How To Automate and Duplicate Your Income

How To Automate and Duplicate Your Income

You can automate and duplicate your income by simply focusing on what you do best. Have you ever thought about becoming an entrepreneur or having your own business?

According to the U.S. Census there are over 29 Million businesses in the United States, the problem is most of them will fail at some point. However, you can create success in business by following these simple strategies.

Automate Income

What if you create your own business that required little overhead and was completely automated? Better yet, why not do it completely online, without interfering with your “job” or whatever else you have going on? And… what if you could make it duplicatable?

“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency.” ~Bill Gates

au•to•mate  (ôt-mt) v. au•to•mat•ed – 1. To convert to automatic operation.
du•pli•cate  (dpl-kt, dy-)adj. – Identically copied from an original.

automate duplicate income
How to automate and duplicate your income

Duplicate Income

When it comes to income, there are two sources; man at work, and dollars at work. Obviously, we’d like to have our dollars work harder, so we don’t have to. Most self-made millionaires got that way either in sales or by owning a business.

When you own a business you participate in the success of the company and your outlook on earning an income changes.

Putting systems in place can help to duplicate the income produced in business. You may have heard the saying, “you don’t have to reinvent the wheel”.  By merely having a process or funnel for acquiring business based on prior success, you can duplicate your efforts and profits.

Businesses earn a profit, not a paycheck…

“Profits are better than wages. Wages make you a living; profits make you a fortune.” ~Jim Rohn.

Business and Sales

Salespeople typically work on commission, meaning they get paid on their production. The problem is, they have to keep repeating their efforts just to earn another commission. Every week is a new week and they start back over at zero. Think about this… What if you could earn commissions like a salesperson, and continue to get a residual income on all of your sales over and over every month?

One of the main things I stress and teach to my clients is to create multiple sources of income. It’s good to have a Plan B. Why? There are many risks and you don’t want to get caught depending on one source of income. Risks like disability, getting laid off from work, and the economy. And, when you get ready to retire, what if you haven’t accumulated enough in savings or you need extra income?

If you want to create another source of income, here’s how you can. You can work from home in as little 10 hours per week to get started.

Follow these 3 principles and you can be successful.

1. Think Big – Set a worthy goal and focus on that goal until successful.

2. Do What You Love – Choose a business that you are passionate about and it won’t fel like work.

3. Discover Your Why – Your “why” is your real purpose and will keep you motivated when you have setbacks.   Realize that it will be difficult at times, nothing worth having comes easy. But, it will be worth it when you accomplish your goal and reap the rewards.

So, I’m encouraging you to get started and create another source of income. Follow this site, and I’ll show you how to create an automated business online that you can duplicate and share with others.

Entrepreneur, automated business, business success, residual income, passive income, duplicatable business

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